3 Surprising Ways to Enjoy Costa Rica’s Beautiful Oceans

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Costa Rica is often considered one of the world’s most beautiful countries. It’s home to a stunning array of wildlife, pristine oceans, and golden sands. Costa Rica also boasts a thriving surf culture – but there are some more surprising ways to enjoy the country’s beautiful oceans. While surfing is a thrilling sport, here are three more activities to enjoy in this amazing country.


Tubing is a kind of water alternative to donutting, which you may have experienced on a ski slope. In donutting, you climb into an inflatable ring and fly down a slope. If you hadn’t already heard of tubing, you may have guessed by now that you climb into a rubber tube and head into the water. Costa Rica’s warm, crystal blue waters are perfect for tubing (and possibly falling in – although, in those waters, who would mind?). The sport is a great opportunity to explore some of the stunning sights of Costa Rica, gently float along with friends or loved ones, and occasionally come across some rapids. Tubing is a family-friendly option for those seeking an activity that everyone can enjoy. Check out volcano.cr to learn more about tubing, boat hire, and other watersports adventures.

Paddle boarding with whales

Costa Rica is one of the world’s most biodiverse countries, and along with monkeys, an array of tropical birds, and wild cats, it’s also home to whales. For an unforgettable ocean adventure, why not try stand-up paddle boarding with whales? Costa Rica’s Pacific coast, particularly near Uvita and Marino Ballena National Park, is a prime spot for spotting migrating whales. These majestic creatures visit Costa Rican waters from July to November and again from December to March. Humpback whales, pilot whales, and sometimes other whales including orcas and beaked whales, can all be spotted in the Costa Rican waves. The thrill of seeing one of these gentle giants or hearing its distinctive call while balancing on your board is unparalleled. Paddleboarding and witnessing these graceful, magnificent animals is a peaceful but unforgettable way to enjoy the country.

Snorkelling and spotting dolphins

Snorkelling in Costa Rica’s gorgeous blue seas is another dreamlike experience. The country’s amazing marine life includes dolphins, manta rays, and schools of tropical fish. There are some perhaps surprising health benefits of snorkelling: it increases your heart rate and can improve cardiovascular health; it’s a great workout as you have to move through the water; and it’s a low impact exercise and a gentler alternative to the pounding you might take running or playing sports. Another unexpected benefit is the meditative aspect of snorkelling – while you focus on your breathing, you may experience a similar calming experience as breathwork practices and yoga.

Tours in Costa Rica often depart from popular destinations including Tamarindo, Manuel Antonio National Park, and the Gulf of Papagayo. As you travel along the coast, you’ll enjoy stunning views of the shoreline, secluded beaches, and get a chance to spot some of the fantastic wildlife. Once the tour stops, hop off, put your snorkelling gear on, dive in, and enjoy an underwater world that’s impossible to forget.

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