5 Reasons To Book a Trip to Galapagos For Your Honeymoon

We think Galapagos Islands are the perfect honeymoon destination. You can find a lot of Galapagos tours and luxury cruises and organize your itineraries. The Galapagos is a stunningly beautiful archipelago, rich in wildlife and white sand beaches. The islands are the homeland of unique animals and it’s the perfect spot for a relaxing and adventurous romantic holiday. Moreover, if you are recently married, it’s your perfect little getaway. Here are some of the reasons why you should book a trip immediately. 

Romantic Getaway

What’s more, romantic enjoying a sunset at the cruise while traveling to your dream destination? And then, spend your days on the sunny beaches with a glass of a cocktail. If you are after romance, the Galapagos is the perfect setting. You can enjoy a moonlit dinner cruise, watch the dramatic sunsets, and relax in the luxury A-deck suites. The number of visitors to some of the islands is limited, so you can visit some of the untouched-by-humans islands to enjoy a calm and quiet night. You can even sail on a yacht and enjoy the seclusion and serenity of your honeymoon.

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The Cuisine

Everybody knows that the Galapagos cuisine is the ultimate delight of the Galapagos cuisine. In the heart of the most abundant ecosystems, you can enjoy unlimited options of seafood and a diverse and flavorful mix of shrimp, lobster, oysters, squid, or octopus. The most popular dishes on the Islands are ceviche, Arroz Marinero, viche, and typical Ecuadorian beef, pork, and chicken. 

The ceviche is the most famous dish and consists of seafood covered with onions, sliced tomatoes, and lime juice. It’s eaten with a spoon like a soup. Viche is a soup with a creamy peanut base and on top of it, a mixture of vegetables is added. You will often find the dish served with white fish like tilapia or Corvina. Arroz Marinero is seafood rice and has proven to be the favorite dish for travelers.

Most of the meals are served with a side dish of mature plantains or green plantains. The plantains are used as a breakfast in a dish called bolon or as mashed plantains with cheese. Somewhere you can find them deep-fried. Chifles are sliced plantains that taste like chips.

A Slice of Adventure

An adventurous trip means you will never be bored on the Galapagos Islands. Marriage is anything but boring and a trip to this place of serenity can prove you right. You can swim, snorkel, scuba dive, get a close-up to the wildlife, kayak beside the walls of the sunken caldera, and hike through lava caves. Some of the useful tips you can implement are to always use sun protection since you will be exposed to the sunny weather most of the time, drink a lot of water, stay on the trails, explore all of your options regarding the activities and tours you can take. Also, keep a safe distance from sea lions and other wildlife. 

These secluded islands are relatively untouched, pristine, and picturesque, so you can straddle the Equator and admire the tropical landscapes. In 1835, Charles Darwin visited the Galapagos Islands and his research prompted his publications about the theory of evolution.

The volcanic nature of the islands allows you to hike, explore and observe the lava flows. You can book excursions and discover pirate hideouts, remote mangroves, caves, coves, see whales, orcas, dolphins, and sleeping reef sharks.

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Side Trip Options

If you’ve planned your honeymoon trip for over a week, you can choose other side-trip options and visit some of the South American countries and tourist destinations. Whether you want to relax with your lovebird or keep the exploring going on, why not spend additional time hiking the Ecuadorian Andes, explore the ruins of the Incas civilization? You can taste the colorful street food on these indigenous markets and even take a trip that will last for 19 days, from Galapagos through Patagonia.

Unique Wildlife Experience

Your cruise can take you on a lifetime adventure! On Galapagos, you can encounter animals so unique that are nowhere else to be found. Get-up close look with the famous marine lizard that even Darwin himself described as a “hideous-looking creature”. Its razor teeth and beady eyes make the lizard one of a kind.

Here, you will see the world’s largest tortoise, also known as a giant tortoise. It’s the emblem of the Galapagos. Then, spend a day snorkeling with hammerhead sharks, sea lions, sea turtles, whales, and rays on the coral reefs. 

The Blue-footed boobies are “clown birds” that got the name from a Spanish origin. You can see them perform a dance and hop from one foot to another. Overall, Galapagos is an enchanting place that must be visited, especially on your honeymoon!

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