If you are traveling to Verona and must perform a Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test centers in Verona, Italy. Test Center URL Price Centro Medico al Cristo Lavoratore https://www.centromedicoalcristolavoratore.it/

Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Centers in Krakow – Poland
If you are traveling to Krakov and must perform a Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test centers in Krakov, Poland. Test Center URL Price iMed24 Medical Center at Krakow airport

Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Centers in Philadelphia – USA
If you are traveling to Philadelphia and must perform a Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test centers in Philadelphia, USA. Test Center URL Price Curative https://curative.com/search#9/40.0115/-75.1327 $0 Vybe Urgent Care

Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Centers in Chicago – USA
If you are traveling to Chicago and must perform a Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test centers in Chicago, USA. Test Center URL Price Curative https://curative.com/search#9/41.8756/-87.6244 $0 Physicians Immediate Care

Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Centers in Rhodes – Greece
If you are traveling to Rhodes and must perform a Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test centers in Rhodes, Greece. Test Centers URL Price IATRIKO RHODES Medical Laboratories https://covidtestrhodes.com/ €61

Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Centers in Lithuania
If you are traveling to Lithuania and must perform a Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test centers in Lithuania. Test Center URL Price Medical Diagnostic and treatment center https://www.medcentras.lt/en/services-and-prices/examinations/laboratory-examinations/covid-19-sars-cov-22-rt-pcr-testing/ €79

Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Centers in Bucharest – Romania
If you are traveling to Bucharest and must perform a Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test centers in Bucharest, Romania. Test Center URL Price Agatha Labs https://agathalabs.ro/collections/covid/products/test-covid-pcr-rapid-24h 220 Lei Regina

Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Centers in Iceland
If you are traveling to Iceland and must perform a Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test centers in Iceland. Test Center URL Price Heilsugaeslan á hofudborgarsvaedinu, HH https://www.heilsugaeslan.is/default.aspx?PageID=483e15bb-6541-11ea-9455-005056bc0bdb 7000 ISK

Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Centers in Sorrento – Italy
If you are traveling to Sorrento and must perform a Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test centers in Sorrento, Italy. Test Center URL Price Laboratori di Analisi Cliniche Dr. Alessandro

Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Centers in Montreal – Canada
If you are traveling to Montreal and must perform a Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test centers in Montreal, Canada. Test Center URL Price YULMontréal-Trudeau International Airport https://www.admtl.com/en/guide/tips/travel/covid-test $299 CAD