Domestic Travel, Luxury Travel, and Baby Boomers

Baby Boomers are a great generation who apparently spend half of their travel expenses on domestic travel. Something we didn’t know about baby boomers (until recently) was that they also account for 80% of all luxury travel spending. And as we said almost 50% of baby boomers make plans for domestic travel only. When it comes to domestic travel there are 2 main ways people will travel.

1, of course, is by plane. The other is by car (or van or camper). So why exactly would you want to take a road trip as your means for domestic travel? Well here are some reasons brought to you by The number one reason is freedom and flexibility.

My Itchy Travel Feet says, “Road trips make it easier to get out of your comfort zone and explore. They are usually easier to organize and you can pack stunning national parks, busy metropolitan cities and culture-rich locations all in one trip.”

We couldn’t agree with this more. So much of travel is often the same, and really what’s the point. Get out of your comfort zone, do something spontaneous and fun. You’ll rarely regret it. We believe in doers here at Pruvo. Just by reading our blog you’re already proving yourself as a doer. You’re looking for the next great thing. When the time comes to really get going, we believe you can do it, and we’re here to help in only the way that only Pruvo can.

Click here to learn more about how Baby Boomers travel

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