If you are traveling to Tel Aviv and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Tel Aviv, Israel. Test Center URL Price Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center https://testfortravel.com/listing/tel-aviv-sourasky-medical-center-tel-aviv-yafo-israel/

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Agadir – Morocco
If you are traveling to Agadir and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Agadir, Morocco. Test Center URL Price Laboratoire Saada https://laboratoiresaada.ma/ N/A Laboratoire Mahfoud d’analyses médicales

Covid-19 PCR Test Centers in Inverness – Scotland
If you are traveling to Inverness and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Inverness, Scotland. Test Center URL Price Superdrug Health Clinic https://healthclinics.superdrug.com/services/superdrug-covid-19-swab-testing-service-rt-pcr/ £99

Covid-19 PCR Test Centers in Aberdeen – Scotland
If you are traveling to Aberdeen and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Aberdeen, Scotland. Test Center URL Price Aberdeen Airport https://www.aberdeenairport.com/coronavirus/pcr-park-and-test/ £80 – £150 Rosemount Pharmacy

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Luton – UK
If you are traveling to Luton and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Luton, UK . Test Centers URL Price Medicspot https://www.medicspot.co.uk/covid-test/luton-airport £45 Dam Health https://www.dam-health.com/luton/ £119

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Birmingham – UK
If you are traveling to Birmingham and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Birmingham, UK . Test Centers URL Price Birmingham Airport https://www.birminghamairport.co.uk/testing-for-departing-passengers/ £59 Better2know https://www.better2know.co.uk/page/covid-19 £89

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Derby – UK
If you are traveling to Derby and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Derby, UK . Test Centers URL Price Peak Pharmacy https://www.peakpharmacy.co.uk/services/covid-fit-to-fly-pcr-test/ £95 HARLEY MEDIC INTERNATIONAL

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Derry (Londonderry) – Northern Ireland
If you are traveling to Derry (Londonderry) and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Derry, Northern Ireland . Test Centers URL Price City of Derry Airport https://www.cityofderryairport.com/at-the-airport/covid-19-testing/

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Leeds – UK
If you are traveling to Leeds and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Leeds, UK . Test Centers URL Price SF Screening & Vaccination https://sfvaccinations.co.uk/covid-19-service-and-tests/ £125 –

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Newcastle – UK
If you are traveling to Newcastle and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Newcastle, UK . Test Centers URL Price Newcastle Airport https://nph-group.as.me/FitToFlyNCL £99 Corona Test Centre