If you are traveling to Lanzarote and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Lanzarote, Spain. Test Center URL Price CLÍNICA JORGANI https://www.cmjorgani.com/pcr-test-rapidos-de-anticuerpos/pcr/ €110 Eurofins at Lanzarote Airport

Covid-19 PCR Test Centers in Linz – Austria
If you are traveling to the Linz and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Linz, Austria. Test Center URL Price Fastest https://en.fastest.at/standorte €89 Covid Fighers(Leonding) https://www.covidfighters.com/en/unsere-covitainer/ €65

Covid-19 PCR Test Centers in Gran Canaria – Spain
If you are traveling to Gran Canaria and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Gran Canaria, Spain. Test Center URL Price Red Canaria Laboratorios https://redcanarialaboratorios.com/laboratorios/lab-luis-jorge-giner-diaz/ €75 Centro

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Girona Catalonia – Spain
If you are traveling to Girona and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Girona, Catalonia Spain. Test Center URL Price Priva Clinic Girona https://www.privaclinic.com/es/79-test-pcr-y-serologicos €95 – €140

Covid-19 PCR Test Centers in Fuerteventura – Spain
If you are traveling to Fuerteventura and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Fuerteventura, Spain. Test Center URL Price Red Canaria Laboratorios https://redcanarialaboratorios.com/tienda/covid-19/test-pcr-covid-19/ €75 MEDILAB SERVICES CANARIAS

Covid-19 PCR Test Centers in Alicante – Spain
If you are traveling to Alicante and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Alicante, Spain. Test Center URL Price Ribera Lab https://www.riberasalud.com/pruebas-covid/cialab/ €90- €120 Clínica UME https://clinicaume.com/covid-19/

Covid-19 PCR Test Centers in Valencia – Spain
If you are traveling to Valencia and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Valencia, Spain. Test Center URL Price Medcare https://centromedicomedcare.com/test-coronavirus-valencia/ €99 – €114 Centro Médico Mapfre

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Senec – Slovakia
If you are travelling in Senec & need to perform a PCR Covid-19 prior to your flight, here are PCR Covid-19 test centers in Senec, Slovakia. Test Center URL Price Unilabs https://sk.lab.online/covid-19-pcr-vyter-1?storeId=292&sendGTM=0 €50 OL-MED sro https://www.e-vuc.sk/bsk/zdravotnictvo/mobilne-odberove-miesta/senec/mobilne-odberove-miesto-senec-ol-med-s.-r.-o..html?page_id=139751 N/A

Covid-19 PCR Test Centers in Púchov – Slovakia
If you are travelling in Púchov & need to perform a PCR Covid-19 prior to your flight, here are PCR Covid-19 test centers in Púchov, Slovakia. Test Center URL Price Unilabs https://sk.lab.online/covid-19-pcr-vyter-1?storeId=160&address=P%C3%BAchov&storeCategoryId=1&sendGTM=0 €50 Synlab https://testfortravel.com/listing/synlab-puchov-slovakia/ €70

Covid-19 PCR Test Centers in Prešov – Slovakia
If you are travelling in Prešov & need to perform a PCR Covid-19 prior to your flight, here are PCR Covid-19 test centers in Prešov, Slovakia. Test Center URL Price Synlab https://www.synlab.sk/lab/presov0 €55 Synlab https://testfortravel.com/listing/synlab-presov-slovakia/ €70