If you are traveling to Accra and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Accra, Ghana. Test Center URL Price LEDing Medical Laboratory https://testfortravel.com/listing/leding-medical-laboratory-accra-ghana/ 250 GHS Alma Medical

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Pune – India
If you are traveling to Pune and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Pune, India. Test Center URL Price Metropolis Healthcare https://www.metropolisindia.com/parameter/pune/covid-19-rt-pcr-test 600 INR Thyrocare https://www.diagnosticcentres.in/health-checkup-packages/thyrocare-covid-19-test-mh 800

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Montevideo – Uruguay
If you are traveling to Montevideo and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Montevideo, Uruguay. Test Center URL Price Institut Pasteur de Montevideo https://www.massalud.com.uy/test-covid-19 2250 UYU Laboratorio

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Colombo – Sri Lanka
If you are traveling to Colombo and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Test Center URL Price Hemas Hospital https://testfortravel.com/listing/hemas-hospital-colombo-sri-lanka/ 8000 LKR Durdans Hospital

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Cape Town – South Africa
If you are traveling to Cape Town and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Cape Town, South Africa. Test Center URL Price Lancet Laboratories https://testfortravel.com/listing/lancet-laboratories-century-city-cape-town/ 850 ZAR

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Bangalore – India
If you are traveling to Bangalore and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Bangalore, India. Test Center URL Price Tata Medical Center https://www.tatahealth.com/covid-rt-pcr-test-in-bangalore 800 INR RxDx https://www.rxdx.in/rt-pcr-testing-covid19/

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Manila – Philippines
If you are traveling to Manila and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Manila, Philippines. Test Center URL Price Philippine Red Cross https://redcross.org.ph/covid19/saliva-test/ 3380 Php Qualimed http://qualimed.com.ph/now-available-covid-19-care-packages/

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Cebu City – Philippines
If you are traveling to Cebu City and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Cebu City, Philippines. Test Center URL Price UCmed https://ucmed.ph/onlineappointment/rt-pcr/ 3360 Php Qualimed http://qualimed.com.ph/now-available-covid-19-care-packages/

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Kolkata – India
If you are traveling to Kolkata and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Kolkata, India. Test Center URL Price Tata Medical Center https://tmckolkata.com/in/covid-19/ 950 INR MEDICA Superspecialty

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Melbourne – Australia
If you are traveling to Melbourne and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Melbourne , Australia. Test Center URL Price Melbourne Pathology https://www.mps.com.au/coronavirus-covid-19/covid-19-testing-for-overseas-travel/ 145 AUD CBD Doctors