Cheap Travelling, Smart Travelling!

We’ve seen lots of blogs about travelling the world with a budget (they talk about places such as but not limited to Seoul). There are definitely different methods to consider. That being said we don’t think there are many people better to talk about than Nomadic Matt. Cheap travelling doesn’t have to be hard or stressful but it does need to be done smartly.  So what exactly does one need to know when they want to travel on a budget? What does one need? These are all great questions, and ones that Matt plans to answer in his article (link below).

First off, no matter how big or small the budget is, you’re going to need money. Figure out what your budget looks like. Even before you decide how to allocate it you need to understand, “this is how much money I have in total and that’s it.” Once you do that it will be easier to break down your budget into individual purchases and ‘things to do’. Matt insists that “You do not need to be rich to travel”.

There are a few things you can do to get to places cheaply. One way is called WWOOFing. WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) is a great way to go somewhere new. All you need to do is pay for your ticket there and back, and then you get to live and work on a farm where room and board are given to you. It’s fun, you learn a lot and it is cost effective.

There are lots more you can learn from Matt on cheap travelling and we’d highly recommend you do just that.

Click here for the whole article. 

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