Earning a Free Flight In Under 15 Minutes

Instead of wasting time visiting a million websites, this article will provide everything you need to successfully hack your travel. You’d think that earning a free flight in 15 minutes is fake news…it’s not.

It all depends on points and knowing how to get and use them is what matters. Travel hacking entails utilizing the benefits and rules provided by airlines, credit cards and hotels to our utmost advantage; and you’d be surprised by how simple it is.

One can earn points quickly or slowly, with the same result. The first step for both ways is to sign up for all the rewards and frequent flyer programs. They’re all free, and whenever the need comes to sign up at a hotel or airline be sure to take the extra little time to sign up for their rewards programs. Check if there are any extra promotions too.

After a while you’ll end up with a plethora of frequent flyer and hotel rewards accounts. When that happens join ‘Awardwallet’ to stay on top of all of them–because no one wants to lose hard earned points and miles. The second step is be a repeat customer. Loyalty programs were created for this reason, and only benefit you in the long run. Again, this is the slow way to doing this. The faster way is to enter the travel rewards credit card game. Now, credit cards do matter and the rewards that stem from them.

Take time to pick your perfect card and ensure you pay your bill in full every month and carry no debt possible. Meet the minimum spend requirements to earn points too, this will only help you in the future. In conclusion, carry a credit card that grants you the best bang for your buck possible, that means rewards and loyalty for the greatest benefit you can get. Before long, you will be earning a free flight to your dream destination!

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