Flying With Kids. High Level Tips.

Flying with kids can be a wonderful experience. Maybe it’s your children/ grandchildren / niece / nephew whomever. Flying with family should be incredibly fun. Why is it then that it rarely is? Well, it’s because kids can be difficult to care for when you’re 20,000 feet above the ground. We understand that you might need a little help. That’s why today we are going over some great tips for flying with kids. These tips are brought to you by Ian Mendes and Today’s Parent.

  • Take advantage of early boarding. Early boarding exists for a reason. Often meant for first class, the elderly, the disabled and those with small children.  If you have small children, you shouldn’t feel embarrassed about using this pre-board service. This is because this service meant for you and will make getting your kids on board much easier.


  • Make friends with other parents on the flight. We’re not suggesting that you’ll find your next best friend, but having someone else in a near proximity will make things a lot less frustrating and a whole lot more, well, fun.


  • 3. Be prepared for a special chat with the flight attendant. If you have a child on board under the age of 2, you likely have taken this baby on a free-flight. You will now have to speak with an attendant who will then instruct you on how you must hold your child during the flight.

Have you been finding this helpful? There’s a lot more where that came from. Make sure to check out the link below for the rest of the list.

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