Girl vs. Globe

Girl vs. Globe

Girl vs. Globe focuses on a girl named Sabina who lived in many different places across the world prior to starting her travel-focused blog. As she loves life, travel, and planet Earth, Sabina created this blog with the goal to inspire young women to take charge, become the “leading lady” in their life, write their own story, and find magic anywhere they go in our beautiful planet.

A big fan of social media, Sabina can easily be found in any major social panel, where she posts her travel and life videos (vlogs) every Friday. Often times she will even write about how to increase social media presence by finding amazing travel spots to snap photos of and share.

Additionally, Sabina writes about responsible travel, recent fashion, and sustainable living, which includes her being vegan. This is all with the intention to show that people can still have incredible travel experiences while still remaining environmentally friendly in order to protect our incredible planet.

Utilizing the blog as a safe space for women to discuss their hardships and fears, Sabina created a “women-centric blog” to support the female community. This is because she understands that travel works differently for women as women generally have to deal with more issues regarding sexual-harassment than men. Aside from advocating these serious issues, the blog also discusses smaller and less intense things like sustainable fashion brands and up to date beauty products for women who love to look and feel great while traveling.

The blog also covers a more personal side to life that Sabina has encountered, including losing friends while traveling and scary encounters. She also frequently shares quotes that she particularly loves as she is sure that other women travelers would appreciate them as well.

Clearly, Sabrina is very in touch with the female traveling community. Therefore, the blog sets an example for many aspiring young women travelers who want to learn, have fun, and be sustainable during their travels.