Globetrotter Girls

Globetrotter Girls

Started by two partners, Dani and Jessica, the two set off on a journey in 2010 to travel the world. As one year turned into a 4 year voyage, the two seperated and Dani, from 2014 to present day still keeps the blog going–documenting her travels and the beauties of life around the world. Scouring many countries and exploring many natural wonders across the world. Dani writes about her love of adapting local cultures and developing healthy habits for each place she visits and stays at, whether that means stopping at an amazing local bakery every morning or spending the evenings wandering around local markets, documenting these experiences into fruitful stories as she goes. The blogs mission is to incite curiosity about the world, and provide tips and tools to help one see as much from the world as possible; inspiring the many to learn more and accomplish anything possible everyday. Living a true nomadic lifestyle, the closest it ever gets to stationed living is housesitting in various cities, which Dani writes about like a pro and encourages others to do so as well with the blog. Meant for people that take the last stop on the bus to see what it is; the ones that hardly ever stay at their resorts and rather travel all over the place while on their vacations, this blog is dedicated to adventure for the seemingly ordinary person. The blog shares all the mistakes ever made so readers wouldn’t replicate them as well as useful advice to carry along the way. She also covers LGBT travel as well as practical facts, guides and itineraries she wishes to share with her massive audience. Considering herself a hotel enthusiast, one thing Dani loves as much as travel is staying at a nice hotel, here she often covers many hotels, areas, accommodations and often provides reviews and feedback. The blog regularly publishes photo essays about places of interest and often publishing polaroids of the week to achieve the final woes of destination inspiration through the power of photography. There is one giant globe, and there are no regrets.