If Your Travel Destination Is Spain What Are The Things You Should See

Spain is without a doubt Europe’s premier tourist destination, at least for other Europeans. In particular, the British love Spain.  Most of the people who visit the country are interested in partying and flock to places like Malaga, Marbella, Majorca, and Ibiza. However, there’s a lot more in Spain than just fantastic nightclubs and bars.

If you plan on visiting, then why not see everything else Spain has to offer? This post will cover this topic in more detail, telling you about all of the things that you should see on your trip there.

Visiting Vineyards

When most people think of vineyards, they immediately think of France or Italy. However, Spain has some of Europe’s best vineyards. Some of the wine regions in Spain are Catalonia, Rioja, and Valencia. If you love wine, then why not take a tour of a vineyard? Vineyard tours can be a great way to try new wines, explore Spain, and visit the nation’s more rural areas. You could even go for a hike afterward. Most vineyards have on-site accommodation, too. You can stay overnight in most of them, for a small fee.

Ancient Castles

Spain has some incredible castles and fortresses. One that stands out, in particular, is the Alhambra, a Nasrid fortress built just under a thousand years ago. The Alhambra can be found in Spain’s Andalusia region, which is also famous for being the birthplace of Flamenco art. The Alhambra overlooks Granada. However, there are many more castles and fortresses for you to see. Every region has its own. If you plan on visiting Spain and want to visit some, then do your research first, and check out what the region you are traveling to has to offer.  You can even stay overnight in some castles.

Regal Palaces

Spain has a constitutional monarchy, meaning the King does not have absolute power, but is still the nation’s head of state, and is an important figure. Because of this, many of the nation’s palaces are still used by royals. Spain’s monarchy is ancient, so it is possible to find both old and new palaces. If you are somebody who’s interested in European monarchy, then there are many palaces for you to see, visit, and explore in Spain. You do have to buy a ticket to get into many of them. You cannot gain access to ones currently being inhabited by the royal family.

Beautiful Churches

Spain is a deeply religious nation, or at least it was. It is a Catholic nation, which is no surprise considering how close the country is to Italy.  If you are somebody who’s interested in religion, then you will have a great time in Spain. Not only are there incredible, ancient churches, but there are also a number of holy sites, sacred in the Catholic religion. Every year, Catholics from all over the world make pilgrimages to some of these sites. If you plan on visiting such places, then be respectful.

Hiking Trails

Spain’s countryside is beautiful and very diverse. In fact, it is home to Europe’s only true desert, the Cabo de Gata in Almería. Spain also has lush forests and great hiking trails. Because the weather in Spain can get very warm, if you plan on going hiking, make sure that you bring lots of water, and get out of the sun when it is at its highest. If you are outdoors at the hottest point in the day, then you could end up developing heat exhaustion, or worse, heat stroke.

Eating Out

Spanish food is famous all over the world. If you are a fan of good food, then you will no doubt be familiar with it. Spain has some incredible restaurants. Each of Spain’s regions has its own unique cuisine. If you plan on visiting, then why not try out local restaurants? Rather than eating out in expensive, five-star establishments, try out smaller cafés and family restaurants. Such places are without a doubt the best way to sample true Spanish cooking. Five-star restaurants aren’t true to Spain’s cuisine. Instead, they cook fusion foods and attempt to make everything gourmet.

Cultural Activities

Spain has a very interesting culture. That said, each region has its own unique and distinct culture, influenced by its history. If you are visiting, then why don’t you check out cultural activities? One of the most famous activities in Spain is the bull run, which takes place every year. In recent times, people have been seriously injured at the bull run. If you are going to participate, then think about your safety, and put as much distance between you and the bulls as possible. There are also a lot of horse races in Spain since historically the Spanish have a love for horses.

City Tours

Spain has some of Europe’s most beautifully designed cities. If you are a person who is interested in architecture, then you will love Spain. Each Spanish region has its own unique architecture, and influences. For example, in Spain’s Andalusia region, it is possible to find a lot of Islamic architecture, due to the Nasrid rule over the region. In other parts, you can find architecture that’s more Italian-looking. You can also find a lot of Renaissance architecture there. Taking a city tour is a fantastic way to get out on the ground and see everything that Spain has to offer.


Finally, be sure to fit in some time for relaxation when you are in Spain. While traveling around the country and visiting castles, cities, and palaces is fun, it’s also fun to just chill out. Spain has some of Europe’s best beaches. If you just want to unwind, then why not go to a coastal resort? It should be noted though, coastal resorts tend to be popular choices for tourists. If you like traveling to places that are a little more off the grid, then you probably won’t like Spanish resorts.

Spain is somewhere everybody should visit at least once. It has contributed tremendously to the world as we know it today. There is a lot to see in Spain, so before you visit do your research and prepare. The more prepared you are, the more you will get out of your trip there. To stay connected and make the most of your travel experience in Spain, consider getting a Spain eSIM before you arrive, ensuring seamless access to maps, local guides, and essential travel apps.

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