If you are traveling to Szczecin and must perform a Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test centers in Szczecin, Poland. Test Center URL Price Przychodnia Portowa Szczecin https://przychodniaportowa.pl/diagnostyka-platna/ 413 PLN
Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Centers in Azores- Portugal
If you are traveling to Azores and must perform a Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test centers in Azores – Portugal Name of Test Center Website Price Germano de Sousa
Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Centers in Rzeszow – Poland
If you are traveling to Rzeszow and must perform a Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test centers in Rzeszow, Poland . Test Center URL Price Rzeszow International Airport https://www.rzeszowairport.pl/pl/lotnisko/aktualnosci/124/testy-na-covid-19-na-lotnisku 400PLN
Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Centers in Faro – Portugal
If you are traveling to Faro and must perform a Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test centers in Faro – Portugal Name of Test Center Website Price Medicina Laboratorial –
Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Centers in Madeira – Portugal
If you are traveling to Madeira and must perform a Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 Rapid Antigen test centers in Madeira – Portugal Name of Test Center Website Price Mais Clinic http://www.maisclinic.com/testes-covid-19/
Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Centers in Dolný Kubín – Slovakia
If you are travelling in Dolný Kubín & need to perform a Rapid Antigen Covid-19 prior to your flight, here are Rapid Antigen Covid-19 test centers in Dolný Kubín, Slovakia. Test Center URL Price MHM Company sro https://www.e-vuc.sk/zsk/zdravotnictvo/mobilne-odberove-miesta/dolny-kubin/mobilne-odberove-miesto-dolny-kubin-mhm-company-1.html?page_id=141070 N/A Dolnooravská
Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Centers in Banská Štiavnica – Slovakia
If you are travelling in Banská Štiavnica & need to perform a Rapid Antigen Covid-19 prior to your flight, here are Rapid Antigen Covid-19 test centers in Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia. Test Center URL Price Unilabs https://sk.lab.online/covid-19-pcr-vyter-1?storeId=127&sendGTM=0 €50 Medirex https://www.medirex.sk/vysetrenie/pcr-test-na-ochorenie-covid-19#informacie €60
Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Centers in Poprad – Slovakia
If you are travelling in Poprad & need to perform a Rapid Antigen Covid-19 prior to your flight, here are Rapid Antigen Covid-19 test centers in Poprad, Slovakia. Test Center URL Price Nemocnica s poliklinikou Poprad https://www.nemocnicapp.sk/?p=20435 €65 Medirex https://testfortravel.com/listing/medirex-spisska-sobota-slovakia/
Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Centers in Považská Bystrica – Slovakia
If you are travelling in Považská Bystrica & need to perform a Rapid Antigen Covid-19 prior to your flight, here are Rapid Antigen Covid-19 test centers in Považská Bystrica, Slovakia. Test Center URL Price KLINICKÁ BIOCHÉMIA https://klinickabiochemia.online/samoplatca-2/ €40 Unilabs https://sk.lab.online/covid-19-pcr-vyter-1?storeId=154&sendGTM=0
Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Centers in Púchov – Slovakia
If you are travelling in Púchov & need to perform a Rapid Antigen Covid-19 prior to your flight, here are Rapid Antigen Covid-19 test centers in Púchov, Slovakia. Test Center URL Price Unilabs https://sk.lab.online/covid-19-pcr-vyter-1?storeId=160&address=P%C3%BAchov&storeCategoryId=1&sendGTM=0 €50 Synlab https://testfortravel.com/listing/synlab-puchov-slovakia/ €70