If you are traveling to Marseille and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Marseille, France. Test Center URL Price Laboratoire Synlab Provence PARC CHANOT Marseille https://www.doctolib.fr/centre-depistage-covid/marseille/laboratoire-synlab-parc-chanot-marseille-test-covid-19 N/A

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Guatemala City – Guatemala
If you are traveling to Guatemala City and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Guatemala City, Guatemala . Test Centers URL Price TecniScan https://www.tecniscan.com/pruebas-covid-19/ Q625 CIAM https://www.ciam.com.gt/

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Warsaw – Poland
If you are traveling to Warsaw and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Warsaw, Poland . Test Center URL Price Warsaw Chopin International Airport https://www.lotnisko-chopina.pl/en/covid-19-testing-point.html 520 PLN

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Milano – Italy
If you are traveling to Milano and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Milano, Italy. Test Center URL Price Synlab https://www.synlab.it/test-covid-19.html €50 Istituto Auxologico Italiano https://www.auxologico.com/covid-19-test-pcr-and-serology-auxologico €90

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Munich – Germany
If you are traveling to Munich and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Munich, Germany. Test Centers URL Price Sonnen-Gesundheitszentrum https://testfortravel.com/listing/sonnen-gesundheitszentrum/ N/A BCRT https://testfortravel.com/listing/bcrt-7/ N/A Covid Zentrum

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Florence – Italy
If you are traveling to Florence and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Florence, Italy . Test Center URL Price Synlab https://www.synlab.it/test-covid-19.html €50 Instituto Fanfani https://www.istitutofanfani.it/laboratorio-analisi/tampone-covid-19/ €80

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Crete – Greece
If you are traveling to Crete and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Crete, Greece. Test Center URL Price Knossos Diagnosis https://www.knossosdiagnosis.gr/covid-19-testing/ €60 Iasis Clinic in Chania

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Porto – Portugal
If you are traveling to Porto and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Porto, Portugal. Test Centers URL Price SYNLAB https://synlabcovid.pt/covid-19.html €100 Porto Airport – Level 3,

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Las Vegas – USA
If you are traveling to Las Vegas and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Las Vegas, USA . Test Center URL Price Phamatech Las Vegas https://www.phamatechlasvegas.com/ $120

Covid-19 PCR Tests in Varna – Bulgaria
If you are traveling to Varna and must perform a Covid-19 PCR test before your flight, below is a list of Covid-19 PCR test centers in Varna, Bulgaria . Test Center Website Price Varna Airport https://varna-airport.bg/en/node/2749153 115 BGN iHealth https://i-health.bg/en/covid-19-tests/