Source Going away for a weekend is all well and good, but knowing you’re having more of a long-term adventure is certainly something to get excited about. However, there are so many things you might like to consider
What is There to Do in Northern Ireland?
What is there to do in Northern Ireland? Ireland is incredibly interesting (and not to be confused with Scotland). Not only is it beautiful, rainy and full of history, but it is also filled with a history of political in-fighting.
What is there to do in Scotland?
What do you think of when you think of Scotland? Kilts? A country that has an accent similar yet different to that of England? Well, you’re not wrong for thinking any of those as Scotland is a UK based country
What is There to Do in England?
What is there to do in England? England is perhaps one of the most famous countries in the world. England is located in Europe. It championed strength and resilience during the world wars and is home to some of the world’s
Europe on a Budget!
Europe is big. There’s no doubt about that. Have you ever wanted to visit Europe? Maybe visit one of your favourite cities? Well if so we have just the post for you. Today we are looking at a post that
Cheap Travelling, Smart Travelling!
We’ve seen lots of blogs about travelling the world with a budget (they talk about places such as but not limited to Seoul). There are definitely different methods to consider. That being said we don’t think there are many people better
Seoul for Cheap!
Seoul is the capital city of South Korea. It houses nearly 12 million residents. Sudogwon (or the larger Seoul Area) is home to nearly 26 million people. As one of the world’s largest metropolitan areas, one can imagine that there
Budget Travel Credit Cards
There are so many budget travel credit cards these days it can be often very frustrating having to choose just one to use. You can ask so many different people which cards they prefer, but in the end, you will
Cuba for Cheap!
¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás? While we’re not typing this from the beautiful country of Cuba, we really wish we were. In fact, many people wish they could be typing away on their laptop from Cuba. Well, we have some good and
Beautiful Eindhoven
Beautiful Eindhoven is something you’ll often catch yourself saying when you step on to the lands of this small, city. Even though it is small it is still one of the biggest cities in the south of Holland. It is well