The Planet D

The Planet D

Named one of the top 10 influencers in the world by Forbes magazine, The Planet D, from the very start, yearns to bring out the adventure from everyone and see more throughout the world. Like many other travel bloggers, Dave and Deb, the couple behind The Planet D, all of a sudden had a breaking point when they realized their ultimate passion was travel. What the blog stresses is stepping outside of the comfort zone, and as portrayed by the two, it acts as an example for its many readers to do the same. “Adventure is for everyone” they say, and this blog is an accurate documentation of them embodying just that. All starting with the Tour d’Afrique, the world’s longest cycling race, that led the pair to step out of their comfort zone and accomplish the goals they thought they were unable to do. From that point on their creativity levels were at an all time high. The two noticed that accomplishing goals from stepping out of the comfort zone would be a huge catalyst to creativity, and credit that to their inspirational travel blog. Travelling as a couple only made it that much better for them, that after years of searching for the perfect career together they finally found it in travel. Learning a lot from their of over 100 countries across all 7 continents, the two learned as much about each other as they did about global life itself. Travel changed their lives and believe that it could change anyone else’s as well if they are open to possibilities and are willing to step outside of their comfort zone. The focal point of The Planet D is not only to escape the daily jams of life but to inspire its hundreds of thousands of readers to take the next step in their lives. It is possible to show up in an unknown place and have a life changing moment, it is possible to have an amazing relationship whilst traveling and it is always possible to discover yourself doing so.