Pre-Travel Checklist: 24 Things to do Before you Travel

Everyone knows the last few days before a trip can be hectic.

Whether you are going to the beach for a weekend or traveling abroad for a month (or two, or three), it is easy to feel overwhelmed with all the tasks that need to be done.

To help alleviate a lot of stress and last minute running around, we have created a handy Pre-travel Checklist.


For most people, this is really only necessary if you are traveling outside of your home country.

There are a variety of travel insurance plans and options, but they typically cover emergency medical coverage, evacuation, lost luggage, and trip cancellation.


Not every country requires an International Driver’s License, but it is a good idea to have one in case you run into any issues.

Plus, it’s super easy to get an IDL.

If you’re an American, you can go to any AAA and they can set you up with one.  Just bring two passport photos and $15 and you are ready to go.

Click here for the complete pre-travel check list

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