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Forward your existing hotel reservation to and get a better deal.
Hotel prices tend to drop after reservations are made.
Pruvo is a free hotel price monitoring service that helps travelers save money by rebooking when the hotel price drops
Book your hotel room with a free cancellation policy using any booking platform(, Expedia, etc) or Click Here Click Here
Forward your existing hotel reservation to
Pruvo will constantly monitor the price of the same hotel room you booked, on a large number of websites and providers.
Forward your existing hotel reservation to
Pruvo will constantly monitor the price of the same hotel room you booked, on a large number of websites and providers.
Once we find you a better price, we will guide you on how to rebook the exact room for a lower price & save money.
Booked a hotel in Berlin. A week has passed and already saved more than $150! I honestly recommend this service, absolutely genius!
It's really working! In my case, I saved $400 on my 6 day trip to New-York.
This website just saved me money on my next vacation in Prague next July. Use Pruvo and save money on your hotel room.
Instead of forwarding your reservations, register with your Gmail account or download our Chrome Extenstion and we will automatically start monitoring your new reservations.
Almost 40% of hotel reservations experience a price drop of 14% on average between the moment you book until you check in.
Frequently Asked QuestionsSave money on hotels you ALREADY booked by rebooking when the market price drops.
Simply book a hotel room with a free cancellation policy on any booking platform
Pruvo will monitor the price of the hotel room you booked and will notify you when the market price drops.
Once a lower price is found, we will guide you on how to rebook and save money.
Register with your Google account for automatic import of hotel bookings (optional) or register using your email address
Don't want to register now?
Simply forward your hotel booking to
Please enter the email you registered with
and we will send you a reset password mail.
Please enter your email and password
Please choose a password
In order to import hotel reservations for price monitoring, please forward your hotel confirmation mail to